“Green” measures in agriculture to be gradually introduced in Kyrgyzstan. Such an agreement was reached during the round table held in the form of public-private dialogue on June 9 in Bishkek.
Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, the banking sector, business associations, various institutions, and experts discussed the possibility of solving the existing problems in the country’s agriculture.
During the event, 12 “green” measures in agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic were presented. Among which are:
- Comprehensive implementation of livestock waste processing technology through the use of Californian worms with the production of organic vermicompost at the output.
- Comprehensive implementation of the technology of growing “hydroponic” feed for stall fattening of cattle and small cattle.
- Opening of the program “Green Agriculture” on TV (KTRK).
- Creation of “Green” financial banking products on the basis of the state program of the Financing the Agriculture (FA) by state-owned banks (JSC “Aiyl Bank” and OJSC “RSK-Bank”).
- Comprehensive implementation of autonomous borehole pumps powered by solar power plants in combination with drip irrigation systems to provide watering of low-water lands and lands that are difficult to access for conventional irrigation systems.
- Development of recommendations for conducting soil analysis with posting on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry of the Kyrgyz Republic, providing farmers with access to the site through a mobile application.
- Updating and systematizing existing recommendations on fertilizers and their suppliers with their subsequent posting on the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry of the Kyrgyz Republic website and other resources, providing farmers with access to the site through a mobile application.
- Comprehensive implementation of livestock waste processing technologies through biogas plants with the production of two products (Biogas and biofertilizer).
- Updating and systematization of existing recommendations on organic methods of plant protection with their subsequent posting on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry of the Kyrgyz Republic, providing farmers with access to the site through a mobile application.
- Comprehensive implementation of artificial insemination technologies for cattle and small cattle.
- Opening on the basis of a functioning private consulting organization a sustainable regional center for “green” agriculture, providing comprehensive services to farmers working with the use of “green” technologies or wishing to introduce such technologies in their farms. (Training and Consulting Center at the AIC Development Association)
- Creation and maintenance of the Catalog of producers and processors of organic products, with indicators of manufactured products in the form of a specialized website with a mobile application, for producers and buyers of organic products, tied to the website of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic. (Implemented by the Department of Organic Production in cooperation with the UN FAO).
According to experts, there was good dialogue between the banking sector and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic. Now it is necessary to separately prescribe in the subsequent draft FA-11 and further the category of “green” resource-saving technologies in agriculture with clear criteria for what is meant by such technologies.
For example RES is used in agriculture, hydrorams, biogas plants, biohumus production technologies, etc.
The introduction of “green” measures can solve the economic and environmental problems of degradation and depletion of fertile lands at the country level, increase the export and production potential for organic products, help create new jobs, replenish the state budget, and many others.
“The role of the Ministry of Agriculture is a key one, as it is the relevant ministry, it sets the direction and defines the policy so that clear criteria for understanding green agriculture are developed. The main problem in agriculture is the disunity of science, practice, education, and relevant ministries. That is, everyone moves independently in their own direction, but development is impossible without their consolidation,” said Arstan Kadyrov, expert of the Green Alliance.
Although certain measures, for example, access to information to the “green sector” have already begun to be implemented, a regular broadcast on the KTRK “Jashyl ayil charba” (Green Agriculture) has opened.
We will tell you more about other measures, status, and proposals in future posts.
It should be noted that the development of “green” measures in the agricultural sector became possible due to the expert work of the Green Alliance with the active participation of the private sector with the support of the Kyrgyz-German-Swiss program of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) within the framework of the project “Green Economy and Sustainable Development of the Private Sector in Kyrgyzstan”.