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EcoDialogue: youth for green changes

By 24.11.2023June 20th, 2024Kambarov, News

 “EcoDialogue: youth for green changes” was held in Bishkek

As part of the “Harmony with Nature” project, on November 24, 2023, the Kyrgyztek Public Foundation organized an impressive event called “EcoDialogue: Youth for Green Change.” Students from the International University of Kyrgyzstan acted as participants, bringing fresh perspectives and contributions to the discussion of significant environmental problems and ways to solve them.

The main topics of the day were current environmental issues, possible methods of analysis and, of course, the presentation by students of their works on the topic: “The environmental situation in the country through the eyes of young people.”

Particular attention was paid to the special guest of the event, Kambarov Ilgiz, executive director of the Green Alliance of Kyrgyzstan, whose inspiring story about green technologies in Kyrgyzstan became a key moment in expanding horizons and understanding the possibilities on the path to a more sustainable future.

An important moment was the ceremony of summing up the results of the photo competition launched earlier by the Kyrgyztek Public Fund as part of this project. The winners of this competition were awarded valuable prizes in recognition of their contribution to the popularization of environmental issues through objective cameras.

The Kyrgyztek Public Foundation expresses its sincere gratitude to all partners and participants for their active participation in this event. The organizers express hope for further fruitful cooperation in the field of ecology, striving for general well-being and environmental development in the Kyrgyz Republic.

original article on the Evening Bishkek website