KambarovNews Doscredobank became a member of the Green Alliance KG Doscredobank became a member of the Green Alliance KG One of the components of the…Admin0107.09.2022
News Green Alliance KG took part in two international summits The Green Alliance KG took part in two international summits in the state residence in…Admin0116.08.2022
News Green Alliance KG and Green Finance Center Bishkek signed “Framework Agreement on Cooperation” Green Alliance KG and Green Finance Center Bishkek signed "Framework Agreement on Cooperation" One…Admin0115.08.2022
News “Green” measures in agriculture to be gradually introduced in Kyrgyzstan “Green” measures in agriculture to be gradually introduced in Kyrgyzstan. Such an agreement was reached…Admin0112.06.2022
News The public sector and the expert community intend to work together to make tourism “green” On May 18, the Ministry of Culture and Information, Sports and Youth Policy of the…Admin0120.05.2022
News The program “Green Village Hour” will be opened on the KTRK TV channel The program "Green Rural Hour" will be launched on the KTRK TV channel to raise…Admin0115.04.2022
News The issue of including certain types of tulips in the red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature will be discussed in Bishkek In Bishkek, in May 2022, the issue of including certain types of tulips growing in…Admin0115.04.2022
News Employees of the Botanical Garden appealed to President S. Zhaparov with a request to save it According to their information, in November 2021 it became known that there was an order…Admin0115.04.2022
News Kyrgyzstan’s transition to sustainable energy: barriers and solutions "We must launch hundreds of small hydroelectric power plants, solar and wind stations within 2-3…Admin0115.04.2022
News Petition against the construction of a nuclear power plant in Kyrgyzstan Призываем всех неравнодушных граждан подписать Петицию, которая направлена против строительства атомной станции в Кыргызстане. Инициатором…Admin0115.04.2022