Green Alliance KG singed a memorandum of co-operation with mayor’s office of Kara-Balta city
The signing of the Memorandum took place in mayor’s office of Kara-Balta city on 19 July 2023, which was attended by the Mayor of Kara-Balta Jekshenov Mirlan and its administration on the one hand and the chairman of the Board of Green Alliance KG – Arstan Kadyrov, and the Executive Director of Green Alliance KG – Ilgiz Kambarov on the other.
Green Alliance KG will assist the Mayor’s Office in implementing the Socio-Economic Development Programme “Thrifty, Green City of the Future” for 2023-2026.
For the first time in the history of Kyrgyzstan, the city of Kara-Balta will implement the whole package of green measures related to climate change adaptation within its municipal budget, such as: improving energy efficiency of municipal buildings and structures through insulation with modern technologies (windows, walls, roofs, floors).
- Application of energy efficient lighting (LED lamps) in buildings and streets.
- Resource-saving technologies (touch sensors on water taps).
- Overhaul of the irrigation system for watering green spaces with the function of automating the watering of parks, squares and lawns.
- Installation of water meters.
- Separate collection and recycling of municipal solid waste (MSW).
- Increasing the number of green spaces in the city.
- Introducing vertical landscaping on the walls of buildings.
- Application of air purification systems (recuperators) in buildings.
- Application of heat pumps and gas boilers as needed.
- Application of solar stations and solar collectors, modern sewage treatment plants and much more.
Mayor of Kara-Balta, Jekshenov Mirlan, expressed readiness for productive co-operation and timely implementation of the initiated reforms in the city.
“We hope that the successful implementation of the Programme “Lean, Green City of the Future” in Kara-Balta will become an example for all cities and towns of Kyrgyzstan to borrow successful experience.” – emphasised Arstan Kadyrov.
Shabdanaliev Nurbek, Chief of Staff of the Mayor’s Office, expressed his readiness to perform each declared task within the framework of the Socio-Economic Development Programme for 2023-2026.
Executive Director of Green Alliance KG, Ilgiz Kambarov, noted the important role of commitment and readiness to take decisive steps towards the ambitious implementation of the socio-economic development programme, adding that the mayoral leadership’s commitment to allocate funds from the budget for green projects and initiatives is the right message.
After signing the Memorandum of Cooperation, the Green Alliance team, together with the leadership of Kara-Balta City, visited the city’s facilities and familiarised themselves with the infrastructure, and outline certain practical steps to be take soon.