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Experts discussed the “NDC Implementation Plan for Adaptation in the Energy and Water Sectors”

With the growing risks caused by climate change around the world, the importance of the measures that countries are taking within the framework of the Paris Agreement is also growing. Kyrgyzstan is vulnerable to climate crises, so adaptation and mitigation of climate change are very important.

In order to take into account proposals and recommendations for inclusion in the NDC Implementation Plan, round tables and thematic meetings are currently being held with the invitation of all stakeholders.

On June 29, 2023, experts and specialists in the field of energy and water issues, academics, scientists, civil society, ecology, representatives of relevant government agencies discussed the “NDC Implementation Plan for Adaptation in the Energy and Water Resources Sectors” at the Institute of Water Problems and Hydropower of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic


Chontoev Dogdurbek, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Water Problems and Hydropower of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, emphasized in his speech that there is no single center for the administration and control of water in the form of a single authorized body, which affects the quality of decisions made on current water issues at the national and regional levels.



UNDP Programme Coordinator, Ysabekova Baktygul, provided information on the second phase of the climate promise, emphasized the importance of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and the long-term strategy for carbon neutrality until 2050 (LTS) and concluded that UNDP continues to expand its support to countries in implementing NDCs, which includes support to Kyrgyzstan.


The panel discussion on the Energy sector was opened by Edilbek Bogombaev, an expert in the energy sector, who presented a detailed presentation on the NDC implementation plan in the energy sector, voiced the climate threats affecting the sector and the adaptation measures identified.

Also, in the Energy sector, Eleonora Kazakova, head of the Association of Renewable Energy Sources of the Kyrgyz Republic, and Azhar Baisalova, project manager, Move Green, spoke.


In her presentation, Eleonora Kazakova, President of the Association, emphasized that “our country has a huge potential for renewable energy sources (RES), which is estimated at 840.2 million tons per year. And in Kyrgyzstan, there are main types of RES, including the energy of small rivers and streams, solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy, and geothermal energy. And the potential of small hydropower in the Kyrgyz Republic is about 5-8 billion kWh per year (up to 13% of the total potential). Currently, it is possible to build 88 small hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of up to 200 MW and build 7 hydroelectric power plants on reservoirs with a capacity of up to 75 MW. And the development of renewable energy can significantly reduce the consumption of water resources, since RES represent virtually zero greenhouse gas emissions with very low or insignificant water requirements for electricity generation.


Project manager of the environmental organization Move Green – Azhar Baisalova presented her vision of energy efficiency and energy saving in the private and residential sector and the importance of creating an “Energy Efficiency Fund” in Bishkek using the example of the PES (payment ecosystem services) concept.




The second panel discussion was opened by Alexander Temirbekov, consultant of the Aarhus Centre in Bishkek, and in his presentation he presented the adaptation goals of the Kyrgyz Republic for the Updated NDC in the sector “Water Resources”. In his presentation on the financial needs for adaptation of the NDC, he emphasized the need to involve external and internal financial resources in increasing the capacity and climate resilience of the selected sectors.


The updated NDC Plan for adaptation measures by sectors initially includes conducting scientific research, on the basis of which government decisions will be made and national programs will be implemented. It is necessary to build up scientific potential in the country and create research parks and innovation platforms to study the consequences of climate change,” noted Maral Sagynalieva, researcher at Open Innovations.


Each panel discussion had heated discussions on the topic, raised pressing issues and questions. Experts and speakers answered all questions from participants, recorded wishes and proposals on the chosen topic.

“Water is a source of energy, energy is a source of economic well-being. Water and energy are closely intertwined, especially in Kyrgyzstan, where more than 90% of electrical energy is generated by hydro resources. Therefore, it is important to be able to use water correctly both for energy as the main source of economic activity of all levels of entrepreneurs, and for irrigation needs, which affects food security. Such discussions provide an opportunity to discuss and improve all those measures and strategies that are necessary for the country,” emphasized the executive director of the Green Alliance, Ilgiz Kambarov, and thanked the participants for their active position and desire to resolve water and energy issues.


This event is being implemented with the support of the UNDP project “Providing Advisory Support in the Development of the “Expanded Plan for the Implementation of the NDC and the Long-Term Low-Carbon Development Strategy (LTS) until 2050”.

This process is coordinated by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic and is supported within the framework of the UNDP global initiative “Climate Promise: Phase 2”.