The new Tax Code of the Kyrgyz Republic includes norms to support the green economy and green technologies. Thus, at the legislative level, business will be supported for the development of a “green” economy.
The Ministry of Economy and Commerce, with the involvement of experts and the cooperation of specialists from the Green Alliance of Kyrgyzstan, proposed a number of innovations to improve the existing Tax Code in terms of the development of a “green” economy and the efficient use of natural resources.
The document provides for “adjustment of tax legislation” on certain taxes and fees related to the promotion of “green” technologies, as well as simplification of certain procedures. The full version of the article can be found at the link below https://economist.kg/novosti/2022/01/31/nalogovyj-kodeks-kakie-normy-po-podderzhke-zelenoj-ekonomiki-vkljucheny/